Bad luck and good luck are both simply outcomes of risk and reward. In other words, whether you believe in luck or not, it is a risk-reward situation.
Take Advantage of Luck
If you believe that you have little control over the outcome of a bet, then you might as well accept your bad luck. But if you are willing to take risks and believe that you have some control over your luck, you can use that to your advantage.
In other words, if you don’t believe that you have a chance of winning, then it is better to bet less money on that game and place your other bets on other games where you feel more confident.
Take Risks
The positive opinion about luck in gambling is that you have some control over the outcome of a bet. After all, why should the number 9 come up when you haven’t been playing with a pair of 9s? The positive opinion about luck in gambling is that you need to take risks in order for your bad luck to turn into good luck.
If you believe that you have a good chance of winning a certain game, it is best to bet more money on that game than on others.